10 Anti-allergy Foods That You Should Know

When the trees release their pollen, the signs of allergy soon appear: hives, itchy eyes and throat… A real hell for those who are prone to it. 

In these cases, our first reflex is to resort to antihistamines. The problem is that these drugs are not trivial, in particular because they promote sleep and create a risk of addiction. Luckily, there’s a healthier way to fight allergies: put what’s right on your plate. Focus on 10 anti-allergy foods. 

1. Aromatic herbs

Oregano, rosemary, lemon balm or even thyme, so many herbs which, in addition to enhancing the flavor of our dishes, have an anti-inflammatory action which greatly contributes to reducing the symptoms of seasonal allergies. 

To get the best benefits, use them fresh in your small meat and fish dishes. You can also infuse these tasty herbs before enjoying them in a delicious drink. 

2. Garlic

True health food, garlic is a natural remedy capable of treating many ailments. It prevents cancers, ulcers, digestive problems, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. 

Because it is rich in antioxidants, garlic can significantly reduce sensitivity to pollen. 

So don’t hesitate to add it to all your dishes! Not only will this make them tastier, but you’ll also get plenty of health benefits and fight allergy symptoms. 

3. Onion

Onions are packed with antioxidants, known for their many virtues. They make it possible to fight against a lot of diseases such as cancers and cardiovascular risks.

In the onion, it is quercetin, a very powerful antioxidant, that interests us. It is the one that gives their color to fruits and vegetables. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces inflammation of the nasal walls and therefore helps to breathe better. 

4. Oily fish

Fatty fish are rich in Omega 3, essential nutrients that help calm inflammatory reactions due to allergies. 

So treat yourself by eating salmon, mackerel, sardines… 

5. Fermented yogurts

Yoghurts and dairy products help the intestinal flora to regenerate while boosting the immune system.

In question, the good live bacteria they contain which cause the body to produce more antibodies and white blood cells. 

6. Black grapes

Besides its unbeatable succulent taste, black grapes are very powerful in the fight against allergic reactions. Indeed, it contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. 

Moreover, fruits in general are rich in antioxidants and have a positive effect on allergic reactions. So do not hesitate to consume, at least five a day!

7. Apple

Apple is very interesting to fight against pollen allergy, provided you consume more than one per day.

Indeed, its high vitamin C content helps prevent asthma and allergies. In addition, this fruit contains quercetol, a powerful antioxidant that improves the functioning of the lungs. 

In other words, the apple is a major ally in the fight against allergies but also for health since it is rich in vitamin C. 

8. Hot drinks

If your allergies are accompanied by a wet cough, it is recommended that you drink a warm drink to relieve your symptoms.

Tea, hot chocolate, honey milk, vegetable soup… As long as the liquid you drink is hot, it helps to reduce mucus and therefore prevent nasal congestion. 

In other words, not only will you breathe better, but you will also stay hydrated! 

9. Almond

Obviously, you will not eat almonds if you are allergic to nuts! But in the context of an allergy to pollens, it is very effective.

The reason is simple: it is rich in vitamin E, known to strengthen the immune system, prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s. In short, it has many health benefits so do not hesitate to consume it daily. 

10. Turmeric

In addition to giving a divine taste to all our dishes, turmeric is an excellent spice for your health. 

It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Nothing like it to fight against allergic reactions! 

Note that you can add it to your tea or coffee. 

I don’t like fruit, what can I replace it with?

Fruits are healthy foods, rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. Although the fruits are sweet, they are not favored by all taste buds. Yet this food group is essential! How to enjoy the benefits of fruits even if we don’t like them? What to replace them with? Here are our tips!

Focus on vegetables

Fruits are rich in fiber which has the role of ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive system. They are also full of vitamins and minerals that keep the body functioning properly. Fortunately, these three elements are also gathered in vegetables. Therefore, people who do not like fruit should increase their daily vegetable intake in order to have enough nutrients. For example, citrus fruits recommended for their richness in vitamin C can be replaced by peppers and cabbage. The freshness provided by a fruit salad can be found in a cucumber and tomato salad. Finally, the fatty acids essential to the body and the brain are found in bananas as well as in avocado!

Opt for dried fruits

Dried fruits (dried fruits and nuts) can replace fresh fruits. These foods are eaten in the morning or as a snack. They are rich in nutrients, fiber and trace elements. Shunned because considered too caloric, dried fruits are beneficial and above all, they do not contain cholesterol. It is recommended to consume 100g of dried fruit each day but if you do not eat fresh fruit, you can double the dose. What to choose ? Enjoy walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, dried bananas, dried apricots, etc.

Incorporate fruit differently

Even if you don’t like fruit, it is possible to include them in small quantities in your meals. For example, when making vegetable juices or cold soups, you can incorporate some fruit. Their taste will be blurred by the vegetables and the mixture will be more harmonious.

Learn to enjoy fruit

Not liking fruit is not that uncommon. You may not like the texture or the taste. However, it is possible to learn to love them. You have to start by reintroducing soft fruits such as apples or bananas. You can also play on the textures and try to consume the fruit in juice, compote or jam. Fruit can be incorporated into a savory dish to give it an exotic touch. They can also be used in very small quantities in a cake or in a yogurt. To learn to appreciate fruit, you can associate it with something you adore. Why not combine strawberries, bananas and dark chocolate, raspberries and white chocolate or even apples and pears with salted butter caramel.

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