Yoga Exercises for Beginners: the 5 Basic Positions

Do you want to get closer to yoga? To do this, we recommend that you start with the main postures or asanas. Try 5 yoga exercises for beginners and test your flexibility, stamina and ability to focus.

Yoga is a discipline that involves various positions, called asanas. Some take a long time to work properly, others less. Discover all the benefits for the body and mind with 5 yoga exercises for beginners.

Fundamental to strengthening the entire body, yoga postures combine physical activity and meditation. At first, this last aspect is secondary, but never forget to breathe correctly during the exercises.

Yoga requires perseverance and discipline, but this should not discourage you. In today’s article we present 5 yoga exercises for beginners that will help you get to know your body better.

At first they may seem difficult to perform. Like other disciplines, yoga also needs its preparation time. However, think of the incredible benefits it brings to the body and mind.

yoga exercises for beginners

1. Shavasana or corpse pose

Ideal for relaxing and breathing, it is one of the first positions to learn to start practicing yoga.

Lie on your back with your legs apart, arms away from your body, and palms up. This position allows you to relax all your fingers.

Then also relax your ankles. Then continue to the knees, thighs, and buttocks. There is no need for any physical exertion, just lie down and breathe.

The shavasana relieves tension in the body and helps to focus on breathing. This is a static but very effective position.

2. Utkatasana or chair position

The chair is also one of the yoga exercises for beginners that we recommend you try. Helps strengthen the middle back and legs. In addition, it releases the spine from tension.

Here are the steps to perform the utkatasana:

  • Stand with your legs together, arms along your body, and feet less than hip-width apart.
  • From this position, inhale and raise your arms. The palms of the hands should be facing each other.
  • Raise your arms to the level of your ears. Next, she bends her knees making sure they don’t go past the ankle.

3. Svanasana or downward facing dog

Present in numerous training programs, svanasana is also one of the main asanas of this discipline.

It is also known as the resting position because it helps to relax the back in times of stress.

  • You can stand or lie down, depending on the program you are following.
  • Spread your feet hip-width apart. Inhale deeply and raise your arms toward the ceiling.
  • Exhale and lean forward until your hands touch the floor.
  • From this position, step back until you form an inverted V with your body. Remember to raise your hips as well.

4. Bhujangasana or cobra pose

The cobra position has the function of stretching the abdomen and lower back.

To start, lie on your back with your arms slightly away from your body. Your palms will also be facing down.

  • Take a deep breath and place your hands under your shoulders.
  • Extend your legs wide and rest the back of your foot on the mat.
  • At this point, straighten your arms and, at the same time, bend your back backwards. The head will follow the back in the movement.

5. Padmasana or the lotus position

Ideal for meditating and relaxing the entire body, this asana is also known as the lotus position (main image). Open the body and mind to energy.

Begin the exercise sitting on the mat, with your back straight and your legs straight.

  • Bend one knee toward your chest, helping yourself with your hands.
  • Place it on the thigh of the other leg, bringing the foot closer to the lower back.
  • Put your hands on your knees and breathe in slowly. Hold the position.

The yoga exercises for beginners that we present in this article are very easy to perform. The important thing is to relax and take time every day to practice the different asanas. Yoga helps to strengthen the body and relax the mind.

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